What’s HTML?


HTML is a short form for  HyperText-Markup-Language & it’s the language of the internet. It’s the standard text-formatting language that’s utilized for creating & displaying pages on the Internet.

HTML Interview Questions?

What’s an image map?


Image-map enables one to link numerous different web pages using one image. It’s represented using <map> tag. One can state shapes in pictures that you need to make a section of image mapping.

What’s SVG in relation to HTML?


HTML SVG is utilized in describing the raster or vector graphics. SVG pictures & their behaviors are stated in XML-text files.

What’s the use of a span tag?


The span tag is utilized on the following things: – For adding-background on text – Adding hue on text – Highlight every color text

Explain why URL is encoded at HTML?


URL is encoded to change non-ASCII characters to a format that can be utilized over the Internet. The reason being a URL is sent via the Internet using an ASCII character set.

What is HTML Elements in HTML5?


Elements in HTML are individual components of a web document. It is a collection of the start tag, its attributes, the closing tag and the content that is held in between.