9 Steam Deck deceives and tips you want to be aware of
The Steam button will immediately turn into your closest companion with the Steam Deck
Steam + B
(long press): Force game shutdown
Steam + X
: Show keyboard
Steam + L1:
Toggle magnifier
Steam + R1:
Take screenshot
Steam + L2
: Right mouse click (this is correct, believe it or not)
Steam + R2:
Left mouse click
Steam + Right joystick
: Joystick mouse
Steam + Right trackpad
: Trackpad mouse
Steam + Right joystick
: Joystick mouse
Steam + Right trackpad
: Trackpad mouse
Steam + Left joystick down
: Decrease screen brightne
Steam + D-pad right
: Enter key
Steam + D-pad down
: Tab key
Steam + D-pad left
: Escape key
Look to one side and select Controller settings to rebind any of the buttons on the Deck.