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Titanfall 2 is the complete package. An excellent, if short, story campaign, a full suite of PvE and PvP modes.
Titanfall 2: $4.79 down from $29.99
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Fallout games from the past few decades. A vast open world, fantastic writing, an evolution of the solid combat
Fallout New Vegas: $2.99 down from $9.99
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You will slay demons by the motherlode to one of gaming’s best soundtracks, enjoying the feeling of being a living demigod fueled
DOOM (2016): $4.99 down from $19.99
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Transistor was an example of a tightly-designed, well-written, beautiful world with a story that carried real emotional weight.
Transistor: $3.99 down from $19.99
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Mankind Divided expands and improves upon many aspects that made the first game great.
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided: $4.49 down from $29.99
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With Darkest Dungeon 2 recently released, the first game won’t be receiving many updates for the foreseeable future.
Darkest Dungeon: $3.74 down from $24.99