What is doctype HTML html5? Doctype HTML html5 – The <!DOCTYPE> declaration must be the very first thing in your…

How to make HTML Website Layout? A well-structured website layout improves its user-friendliness by making it easy for visitors to…

How to Add a Link HTML? A link connects one web resource with another. For instance, a user might want…

How to add ordered list in html? There are three types of lists in HTML namely? unordered lists, ordered lists,…

How to insert Meta Element in HTML5? The <meta> element is one of those that are included in the head…

What are the new HTML5 Input Types? The newest version of the HTML language comes with new input types like…

HTML Paragraph In HTML, paragraphs are defined using the <p> tag. This is perhaps the most basic tag and the…

How to add Script in HTML? Javascript is used by web developers to make web pages interactive and to enhance…

How to make Table in HTML – To insert a table into your HTML document, use the <table> element. The…

HTML Text Formatting Text formatting tags in html are used to enhance the appearance of text in a web document.…

The conventions of RFC 3986 specify the range of characters that are acceptable for use with URLs. These are the…

URL is an abbreviation for Universal Resource Locator. Its purpose is to identify the location of a document or another…

HTML Validation The purpose of a HTML validation exercise is to ensure that there are no mistakes in your code…