The technical interview round implies sweaty fingers and a beating heart if you’re a recent IT graduate hoping to land your first job. Similarly, for an experienced developer with years of experience, the technical interview can be filled with difficult questions and topics.
One of the most important components of passing the interview round, whether at the beginner or expert level, is having a thorough understanding of some MVC fundamentals.
Here are 30 key MVC interview questions and answers to help you ace your next interview. For an in-depth interview preparation, the questions are separated into three levels: basic, moderate, and advanced.
Basic MVC Interview Questions and Answers of 2 year experience
What is the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture?
MVC is a web application development software architecture pattern. Model, View, and Controller are the three objects that handle it.
In MVC, what are the various return types for the controller action method?
The following are the different return kinds of controller action methods in MVC:
- View Result
- JSON Result
- Content Result
- Redirect Result
- JavaScript Result
What exactly do you mean when you say “partial view of MVC”?
A partial view is a piece of HTML that is carefully inserted into an existing document object model (DOM). Partially seen Razor views are widely used to componentize them, making them easier to build and update. Controller methods can also return partial views directly.
What is the difference between adding routes to a webform application and adding routes to an MVC application?
For adding routes to a webform application, we use the RouteCollection class’s MapPageRoute() method. The MapRoute() method, on the other hand, is used to add routes to an MVC application.
How do you put limits to a route in two different ways?
There are two ways to impose limitations to a route.
- Use regular expressions
- Implement the IRouteConstraint Interface using an object.
In MVC, what is the purpose of “ActionFilters”?
“ActionFilters” in MVC allow you to perform logic while an MVC action is being run.
How do you distinguish between “ActionResult” and “ViewResult”?
“ActionResult” is an abstract class, but “ViewResult” is a descendant of “AbstractResult” There are several derived classes from “ActionResult” including “JsonResult” “FileStreamResult” and “ViewResult”
If you’re creating multiple types of views on the fly, “ActionResult” is the way to go.
In MVC, how do you return the result in JSON format?
You can use the “JSONRESULT” class in MVC to return the result in JSON format.
What is the significance of the NonActionAttribute attribute?
All public methods of a controller class are handled as the action method by default; if you want to override this, you must use the NonActionAttribute attribute on the public method.
In MVC, what is the concept of routing?
MVC routing can be characterised as a pattern-matching mechanism for mapping incoming browser requests to specific MVC controller actions.
Moderate MVC Interview Questions and Answers of 5 year experience
Briefly describe the Model, View, and Controller.
A model can be defined as the data that the programme will use. The database, a simple object holding data (such as any multimedia file or a gaming character), a file, and other models are commonly used in MVC.
Within an application, a view is a technique of displaying objects (user interfaces). This is the vertical via which end users will be able to communicate.
The third vertical is a controller, which is in charge of updating both models and views. It both accepts user input and updates the data in the same way. To put it another way, the controller is in charge of responding to user activities.
What are the functions of the various MVC components?
The roles of the various MVC components are as follows:
Presentation: This component is responsible for the application’s visual representation of a specific abstraction.
Control: This component ensures that the abstraction within the system and its presentation to the user are consistent and uniform. It’s also in charge of connecting with the rest of the MVC system’s controls.
Abstraction: This component is responsible for the application’s business domain functionality.
How will you define MVC’s three logical layers?
The three logical layers of MVC are as follows:
- Model logic which acts as a business layer
- The view logic serves as a display layer.
- Controller logic acts as input control
What are the three most critical route segments?
The following are the three most critical routing segments:
- ControllerName
- ActionMethodName
- Parameter
Explain what you mean by separation of concerns in a few words.
Separation of Concerns is one of the most important characteristics and benefits of adopting MVC, and it is supported by ASP.NET. The MVC framework allows for a clear separation of concerns such as the user interface (UI), data, and business logic in this case.
In MVC, what is TempData?
A dictionary object called TempData is used to store data for a limited period of time. This is the MVC’s TempDataDictionary class, which works as the instance property of a Controller base-class. TempData is capable of preserving data for HTTP requests.
What does scaffolding mean in MVC?
Scaffolding is a code-generation framework for ASP.NET that is used in online applications. Scaffolding is used in MVC application development when someone wishes to quickly improve the code that interacts with the data model. Scaffolding can also reduce the amount of time it takes to develop a standard data operation in the app.
Which filters are used towards the end of an MVC application’s development?
Finally, throughout the development of an MVC application, the “Exception Filters” are used.
What exactly is ViewStart?
The Razor View Engine introduces a new layout called _ViewStart, which is applied to all views automatically. ViewStart is the first view to be rendered, followed by the start rendering and other views.
@ { Layout = "~/ Views/ Shared/ _ file.cshtml"; } <html> <head> <meta name="viewport" /> <title> InitialView </title> </head> <body> …. </body> </html>
In MVC, how does an error be handled?
Exception handling is commonly used to handle errors, whether in a Windows Forms application or a web site. The HandleError attribute is used to provide exception filters that are built-in. At the global level, the ASP.NET HandleError attribute can be used on both action methods and controllers.
public static void RegGlobalFilters(Global_FilterCollection filt) { filt.Add(new HandleErrorAttribute()); } protected void Application_Start() { AreaRegn.RegisterAllAreas(); RegGlobalFilters(Global_Filters.Filters); RegisterRoutes(Route_Table.Routes); }
Advance MVC Interview Questions and Answers of 7+ year experience
What are two situations in which you can’t utilise routing or where routing isn’t required?
The following are two scenarios in which routing is not used or is not required:
- When a physical file exists that matches the URL pattern
- When any type of routing is disabled in a URL pattern
How will you explain MVC’s RenderBody and RenderPage concepts?
Web forms’ RenderBody can be thought of as a ContentPlaceHolder. It may be found on the layout page and is in charge of rendering the child pages/views. The layout page, on the other hand, just has one RenderBody() method. Within the Layout page, many RenderPage() can be found.
What is the definition of a glimpse?
Glimpse is a set of NuGet packages that aid in the discovery of performance, debugging, and diagnostic data. Glimpse can assist you in obtaining information about timelines, model binding, routes, and the environment, among other things.
How can we use a hyperlink to move from one view to another?
You can navigate utilising the ActionLink technique. The code below will generate a simple URL that can be used to navigate to the “Home” controller and perform the Gotohome action.
<%= Html.ActionLink("Home","Gotohome") %>
In MVC, how do you handle exceptions?
You can override the “OnException” event in the controller and set the “Result” to the view name you wish to call when an error occurs. As you can see in the code below, we’ve set the “Result” to a view called “Error.”
public class HomeController : Controller{ protected override void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext){ Exception ex = filterContext.Exception; filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true; var model = new HandleErrorInfo(filterContext.Exception, "Controller","Action"); filterContext.Result = new ViewResult() { ViewName = "Error", ViewData = new ViewDataDictionary(model) }; } }
What are the main rules of Razor Syntax?
The following are the main Razor Syntax rules:
- Razor code blocks are enclosed in @{ … }
- @ is used to start inline expressions (variables and functions).
- A semicolon marks the end of a code statement.
- The var keyword is used to declare variables.
- Quote marks are used to enclose strings.
- C# code is case sensitive
- The extension.cshtml is used for C# files.
How do you use MVC to provide Forms authentication?
Authentication is the process of granting a user access to a specific service by verifying his or her identity using credentials such as a username and password or an email address and password. It ensures that the correct user has been authenticated or logged in for a particular service, and that the appropriate service has been supplied to that user based on their role.
Can you clarify the differences between RenderBody and RenderPage in MVC?
In web forms, RenderBody is similar to ContentPlaceHolder. This will appear on the layout page and render the child pages/views. There will be only one RenderBody() method on the Layout page. RenderPage is also included in the Layout page, and many RenderPage() can be seen there.
What is the best way to implement MVC forms authentication?
Authentication in forms is included to add a layer of security to the user’s access to a specific service. This authentication is carried out by confirming the user’s identity using credentials such as a username and password or an email address and password.
This is what the code snippet will look like:
<system.web> <authentication mode = "Forms" > <formsloginUrl = "Login.aspx" protection = "All" timeout = "30" name = ".ASPXAUTH" path = "/" requireSSL = "false" defaultUrl = "default.aspx" cookieless = "UseDeviceProfile" /> </authentication> </system.web>
How can we tell if a POST or GET request is being sent to an MVC controller?
The Request.HttpMethod property can be used to determine if a controller call is a POST or a GET operation, as seen in the code sample below.
<system.web> <authentication mode = "Forms" > <formsloginUrl = "Login.aspx" protection = "All" timeout = "30" name = ".ASPXAUTH" path = "/" requireSSL = "false" defaultUrl = "default.aspx" cookieless = "UseDeviceProfile" /> </authentication> </system.web>
This was a comprehensive list of MVC Interview Questions and Answers in ASP.NET. Be quick and confident when answering questions in an interview. Provide straightforward and short responses without elaboration. These 30 questions are among the most frequently asked by interviewers for the Azure developer or full stack developer position.
ASP.NET, design patterns, and the spring framework are all recommended by top IT industry professionals. If you want to work in IT, you should be familiar with MVC architecture. To help you prepare for your upcoming interview, this post contains the most often requested asp net MVC Interview Questions and Answers. Before digging in, review the fundamentals of MVC and C# programming.
MVC Interview Questions and Answer
MVC is a web application development software architecture pattern. Model, View, and Controller are the three objects that handle it.