Splunk Use Case – Dubai Airport

Dubai airport receives 90-million passengers in a year & it’s regarded as the world’s busiest airport which is still growing. Though the expectations are, by 2020 the total number of travelers going to Dubai airport might cross 100-million.

Thus Dubai airport is searching to leverage substantial operational information volumes, & for this, they’ve started offering better service & focus on every aspect all through Dubai airport.

So, to deliver extra capacity, the airport requires having something different. The only way to achieve that was to apply tech at customer-centric processes. For this, Splunk came up as best because it’s a platform that offers real-time insights. This drive-efficiency across the airport. The airport made a center to accomplish airport operations which use Splunk-Enterprise to monitor every data.

Splunk software is more valuable because it helps search, monitor & analyzes machine-generated large data through a web-style interface. Thus, it’s the suitable option which Dubai Airport requires.

Through this, Dubai Airport also began fixing sensors every place like

  • 3D-cameras for gauging security processes & queues
  • Metal detectors & X-ray machines

Baggage systems

Presently one can call at the Airport to Splunk-Dubai-airport with the introduction of modern software. Splunk-airport is a method to turn an ordinary airport into a very smart one.

Beyond Airport-Security

Splunk grasps information from more connected devices, like cameras at terminal areas. This track-queue duration & time deployed all through the airport. Furthermore, Splunk also offered other applications, like the SCADA-Baggage Program or Gatwick-Operational Server for Airfield to merge details on a collective platform.

Moreover, the airport can construct alternate flights if its network gets disconnected from normal contact. Splunk customers are contented with its service since it enables access to important data, that has been analyzed already when a query is needed.

Blessings of fastest airport Wi-Fi to passengers

 It’s the goal of Dubai Airport to offer the world’s fastest Wi-Fi at the airport. Therefore, people stream live TV programs, movies, sports while they await the arrival of scheduled flights. With the assistance of Splunk Enterprise, the airport monitors all access points in real-time which makes sure that the passengers access free 200MB internet with zero-black spots.

Moreover, the IT group utilizes Splunk-Enterprise to get other issues zones with about 20,000 individuals linked to them at every moment. Splunk also assists to get some illegal Wi-Fi hotspots that affect the travelers negatively quality-of-service & actively tracks travelers to drive them off the airport.

About 150-million luggage bags are fast reaching desired destinations

More substantial luggage-system at Dubai-Airports-spans at a length of about 150 km & carries about 150million bags every year. The bag creates over 200-data points that are all-tracked via Splunk-Enterprise to guarantee they get to their destination.

This kind of data is paired-with-airport activity information to predict baggage load in the next 4 hours. Depending on predicted baggage, Dubai-Airport is capable of allocating staff. Planning is extra to build this approach with the tech.

It’s, for this reason, the amount of Splunk-IOT use scenarios are growing day by day. There are a plethora of other giant clients that have adopted the software & achieved success.

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Terry White is a professional technical writer, WordPress developer, Web Designer, Software Engineer, and Blogger. He strives for pixel-perfect design, clean robust code, and a user-friendly interface. If you have a project in mind and like his work, feel free to contact him

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