The event started with players and up to three friends loading into some sort of ship on The Seven's apparent home base, the moon orbiting the Fortnite island.
Comically, Jonesy tried to wiggle his way into being an official member of The Seven. He even gave himself a name: The Legend.
Players took to their gunner seats once more to clear the way of asteroids and other debris--we even saw a piece of one of The Last Reality's alien spaceships.
After taking on a huge barrage of missiles, the mech was hurting badly and nearly non-functional.
Paradigm and her squadron continued to clear the air and land of IO baddies, as paradigm unsheathed an impressive new energy sword and took to chopping IO airships like avocados.
Eventually, the mech went down, leading to an on-foot infiltration where Jones led players through a series of battles centered around the mysterious Zero Point