Police Interview Questions and Answers

Interviewing for the post of a police officer requires preparation to faces the question with confidence and the least amount of hesitation. 

What motivates you?

Utilize the opportunity and state the challenges that you overcame. Avoid giving a generic and blunt answer which allows the interviewer to learn very little about your character. 

What does a police officer do on a daily basis?

Identification of crimes and arrests, figuring and recording facts, enforcing laws related to vehicles, determining statute violations, etc. 

What challenges are you looking for in this position?

The types of challenges that may be commonly faced are the chances of bribe, threat calls, and intimidation.

When were you most satisfied with your job?

Seize the opportunity to give the best answer to this question and share your interest, express your zest to achieve and do things better.

Why police officer job is important to you?

Under this section, you should look at the major factors that motivated you to apply for a police officer job. 

How do you handle moral dilemmas?

In case you are hired as a police officer, you are likely to encounter  situations that put your integrity and character to the test. 

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

When you want to do well in every field, there are times when you fail.  But understanding your strength makes you stronger.