Business Analyst Interview Questions: The major job function of a Business analyst consists of assessing the business requirements of a company, understanding integration with the latest tech, & offering technical methods of solving business problems. Business analyst career profiles are more lucrative, offer higher remuneration, and are full of potential. Whether you’re a skilled business analyst or you aspire to be one, getting ready for a business analyst interview is important.

30+ Business Analyst Interview Questions and Answers

Below are some of the frequently asked questions in a business analyst interview.

Q1. What’s a flowchart and what’s its significance?

Answer: A flowchart displays the full flow of a system via symbols & diagrams. It’s significant as it makes a system simple to understand for both developers and non-technical stakeholders.

Q2. What’s a feasibility study?

Answer: The requirements & issues of a business/project need to be studied & understood through a BA, & he/she needs to set some scope for business issues. A feasibility study identifies the success rate possibility of a proposed idea for a business issue. It assists in identifying new opportunities & focuses on the project.

Q3. What’s the function of a business analyst in a company?

Answer: The major function of a business analyst is finding out the requirements of an organization, finding out their issues, forecasting future issues, suggesting the best solutions for issues & driving through an organization’s achievements.

The function differs from an organization – organization, domain-domain, and project-project

A business analyst in a project plays the function of a Technical Architect, Business Planner, Data Analyst, System Analyst, Organization Analyst, Subject Area Expert, Application Designer, etc.

The core skill includes the best understanding of leadership qualities, system engineering concepts, writing, technical knowledge & verbal communication.

Q4. State use case model?

Answer: Use case-model displays some sequence of events & a stream of activities regarding a process done by the actor.

Q5. What’s meant by alternate flow in the use case?

Answer: This is an alternative activity or solution in a usage case that needs to be followed in case there is a failure in the system.

Q6. What are the various tools utilized in Business Analytics?


  • Blueprint
  • MS Office & SQL
  • Python & R
  • Axure
  • QlikView & Tableau

Q7. How do you do risk management on your project?

Answer: Risk is stated as an undefined event that causes some threat to an existing business that can create an impact on revenue or other times on business profits. Risk-management methods like risk avoidance, transfer, reduction, & acceptance can be utilized. We’ve to identify, evaluate, analyze, & control risk in business.

Q8. What’s meant by serious path analysis?

Answer: Projects involve some set of actions from beginning to finish. A critical path is a set of actions that includes the longest path in a whole project. Thus, critical path analysis is a major component in decreasing project timelines & controlling costs.

Q9. What’s business modeling?

Answer: This refers to identifying the value proposition of a business & then making a step-by-step method for operating that business. The step-by-step method is understood as business modeling. This includes vision and strategies to attain the goals and mission.

Q10. Define SaaS

Answer: This is a short form of “Software-as-a-Service”. It’s similar to cloud computing. It’s also different from different software packages as you don’t require this kind of software installed on your computer. All that’s required is an Internet connection & a Web Browser.

Business Analyst Interview Questions PDF

Q11. Explain personas.

Answer: Personas are utilized instead of real users which assist developers & technical teams in judging user conduct in various scenarios. Moreover, personas are social functions, done by any character or actor. It originated from a Latin name that meant “character.” In the marketing field, it represented some groups of end-users/customers.

Q12. What’s a database transaction?

Answer: This is when we do any action in a database, like addition, modification, deletion, searching, etc.

Q13. What’s Application Usability

Answer: This is the system quality that makes a system significant for the end-users. The system’s usability is suitable if it’s capable of attaining users’ goals.

Q14. What’s the meaning of Benchmarking?

Answer: This is the procedure of measuring policy quality, programs, rules, products & other organization measures against other companies or standard measures is referred to as Benchmarking. This is utilized to measure a company’s performance to compete in the industry.

The major function of benchmarking is finding out the places of improvement at a company & to examine how neighboring companies will achieve their goals.

Q15. What’s Pugh Matrix?

Answer: This is utilized in deciding about optimal & alternate solutions. The method is now a typical section of the Six Sigma method. It’s also understood as a design or problem matrix.

Q16. What’s RUP methodology?

Answer: RUP (Rational Unified Process) refers to a product app improvement method that has many devices to assist with coding the final product & assignments recognized with an objective. Moreover, the Rational Unified Process is an object-oriented technique that assures fruitful management of projects & production of programs that are top-notch.

Q17. What’s a 100-point technique?

Answer: This technique is utilized to assign urgency to various steps in a procedure. Every group member needs to assign points to various steps. In the end, every point for every step is intended. Step having the highest points takes the highest priority.

Q18. What’s Pareto Analysis?

Answer: This refers to a decision-making method and is also known as the 80/20 rule. It’s utilized for quality control & defect resolution. It clarifies a few factors which are responsible for some big issues. It’s referred to as the 80/20 rule, the reason being this rule, 80 percent effects in the system, increases from 20 percent causes.

Q19. What’s RAD methodology?

Answer: RAD (Rapid App Development) is a kind of model(incremental). Phases of some projects are created in parallel as different projects. Developments in a project are time-boxed, supplied, & assembled afterward to an operating model.

Q20. Explain the Pair-Choice method

Answer: This technique is utilized to offer priority to different items in a process. It’s majorly used when distinct stakeholders are included in a project. This method asks the group to relate every item with others & choose the one with the top priority.

Business Analyst Interview Questions PDF

Q21. Explain BCG Matrix

Answer: The BCG (Boston Consulting Group) matrix is made to analyze numerous business processes & new product help from companies. It’s an important tool that’s used in portfolio analysis, product management, strategic management & brand marketing.

Q22. What’s meant by scope creep?

Answer: Scope creep refers to sudden or uncontrolled changes or deviances in a project’s scope minus changes in different project resources. It’s due to the failure in suitable monitoring, and miscommunication.

Q23. How do you say a requirement is perfect?

Answer: The features & standards of the best requirement are pointed out utilizing a rule known as the SMART rule.

  • Specific: The requirement description needs to be perfect & precise enough to comprehend it.
  • Measurable: Various parameters in a requirement’s success need to be measured.
  • Attainable: The resource needs to be capable of attaining success with the requirement.
  • Relevant: States which results are genuinely achieved.
  • Timely: Project requirements need to be exposed in time

Q24. Explain Black-Box Testing

Answer: This testing is a type of testing where the whole unit is verified as complete minus considering contents or how inner components & units are verified. The testing method just focuses on a known input signal and& checks if the output conduct depends on anticipation or not.

Q25. Name significant agile metrics that need to be taken into consideration by business analysts


  • Defect resolution period
  • Sprint burn-down metric
  • Business value distribution
  • Work priority
  • Workgroup allocation

Q26. Which between Spiral Model or Waterfall model is better?

Answer: It’s choosing a life-cycle model for every project which needs to be dependent on its scope, limitations, and type. It’s dependent on the organization’s culture, its terms & policies, plus the conditions & process of increasing the system.

Q27. What are the advantages of Business-process modeling?

Answer:  Offers consistency and control of project processes

It’s utilized to picture some understanding of business processes.

Assists one in identifying & removing errors & bottlenecks.

Q28. Explain what SRS & major elements are.


SRS refers to a Software/System Requirements Specification. It’s a set of doc that describes the system or software application features.

It comprises various elements needed by stakeholders & customers to persuade the end-users.

Important aspects of SRS include:

  • Non- functional & functional requirements
  • Work Scope
  • Data Model
  • Assumptions & Constraints
  • Dependencies
  • Acceptance Criteria

Q29. What’s the project life cycle?

A project life-cycle is a structure implemented by some business analysts for splitting a project into manageable phases & signifies decision points all through the project lifespan. The various models include the Waterfall model, Iterative model, Spiral model, V-shaped model, and agile model.

Q30. Which strategies will you use to design a use case?


A use case needs to be concise, correctly documented, and well-defined.

The approaches or strategies in designing use cases include

The 1st phase is users’ identification to make a role profile for all user categories & goal recognition linked with all roles.

The 2nd phase deals with the structure & creation of use cases through capturing both non-functional and functional requirements. This includes use case diagrams & user-interface details.

The last phase is validating and reviewing the use cases.

Q31. Differentiate between risk mitigation and risk avoidance?


Differentiate between risk mitigation and risk avoidance.

Risk Mitigation Risk Avoidance
When a danger materializes, risk mitigation is what is done. What you do to avoid danger is called risk avoidance.
It lessens the likelihood that risk may materialize. By removing the cause, it reduces the danger.
It examines if the project or business is affected in any way Threat incidence impact is decreased to 0%.
In the event of any risk, the cost is substantial. It results in cost elimination


Business Analysts’ work varies from company to – company. However, these business analyst questions for interviews are more popular & asked frequently. The output of the business analyst job is utilized by IT individuals in product development & other people (non-IT) to view the application product models.

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Terry White is a professional technical writer, WordPress developer, Web Designer, Software Engineer, and Blogger. He strives for pixel-perfect design, clean robust code, and a user-friendly interface. If you have a project in mind and like his work, feel free to contact him

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