A good interview preparation means halfway success. When going out for an interview, you need to dress up well (official wear) and prepare all your certificates and other papers that will assist you in getting the anticipated job. Above all, you also need to look out for some of the questions you may ask. With more companies searching to hire a professional and approved in Microsoft Azure, everyone will need to get the best candidate.

For Azure interview questions & answers below, it’s divided into three sections. The section includes basic level, moderate level, and expert level. This way, you will have almost all the questions that may be asked during that interview. These Azure interview questions are obtained from Azure Cloud Solution Architect, Azure Architect, Azure Developer, Azure Admin/Administrator, and more.

Below we have listed some of the most popular Azure Interview questions, which are more asked in this job interview.

Basic Level Azure Interview Questions and Answer

What is Microsoft Azure?

Azure is a cloud platform developed by Microsoft to allow businesses to fully run in the cloud. It’s a more flexible cloud platform that offers data storage, service management development, & service hosting. For you to use the cloud services, the cloud platform gives you a pas-as-you-go payment approach to pay for cloud services. I.e. if you have a database & you don’t use it, you will not have to pay.

Azure is comprised of more than 200 services. They include SaaS(Software as a Service) services, IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) services, PaaS(Platform as a Service) services. The services are in various categories, which includes computing, databases, storage, security, blockchain, content delivery, networking, data warehousing, data lakes, integration technologies, analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning and more others.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is Web-based computing that enables businesses & individuals to use computing resources like virtual machines, processing, databases, memory, storage, services, or pay-as-you-go and event number of calls. Moreover, cloud computing is also a culmination of several attempts at large-scale computing, which has seamless access to nearly limitless resources.

What are the advantages of cloud computing?

  • Cloud computing offers maintainability & and auto-updates to new software, databases, OS, & third party software. This will decrease the IT labour cost for a business.
  • Cloud computing gives a 24/7 uptime (full time). Data centres and cloud servers are taken control of by the cloud-service provider & no employee is needed to manage that.
  • Cloud computing is reliable and scalable. There’s no limit to the number of resources or users. Cloud improves processing & resources as required. If you don’t require resources, you will always scale down to cloud service providers.
  • The system enables businesses to cut operations & fix their monthly cost of employees, software licenses and hardware.
  • Cloud service providers set up data centers in several locations worldwide, making them faster & reliable.

What is the scalability of cloud computing?

There are two kinds of scalability in cloud computing. They include:

Vertical scaling: This is where the structure yields to improve the present capacity of the machine. It’s similar to expanding RAM from maybe 4GB to 32GB.

Horizontal Scaling: This is where the physical aspect is improved, like putting more machines at work instead of changing the existing ones.

Name important applications of Microsoft Azure?

Some of the most significant application of Microsoft Azure includes Infrastructure Services, Web Applications, Mobile Apps, Cloud Services, Media Services, Storage etc.

What are the various models available for cloud deployment?

Three models are accessible for cloud deployment. They include

Private Cloud: Here, cloud infrastructure is possessed exclusively by us or the exclusive service is offered by the cloud provider. The service includes hosting applications on a devoted server offered by a cloud provider or hosting the application on your on-premise servers.

Public Cloud: With this, cloud infrastructure is publicly owned by the cloud provider. There are chances that these server resources can be shared by more applications.

Hybrid Cloud: In this model, it involves a combination of both private cloud & public cloud. This includes the scenario of utilizing on-premise servers for handling sensitive data, confidential, & use of public cloud features to host public-facing applications.

What’s Azure Resource Manager?

It’s a service offered by Azure to offer management & application placement in Azure. The resource manager offers a management layer that assists the developer in creating, deleting or modify the resources in the Azure subscription account. The feature needs skills like managing access controls, ensuring the security of resources post-deployment, locks & organization of resources.

What is Azure Advisor?

Azure Advisor is a service that gives information on your entire Azure landscape. Moreover, it shows a comprehensive summary of what your system requires and highlights money-saving tactics.

What’s guest OS?

It’s an operating system that operates on a virtual machine hosting a request for a role.

Explain traffic manager importance in Azure?

Major benefits provided by traffic managers include distribution of traffic based on more traffic-routing methods & continuous monitoring of automatic failover and endpoint health when endpoints fail.


Moderate Level Azure Interview Questions and Answer

What are Azure availability sets?

These are logical groups consisting of more than one Virtual Machine across various fault domains. Additionally, Azure availability sets guarantee that the applications installed on virtual machines on the availability set are accessible during planned and unplanned maintenance.

What are deployment environments provided by Azure?

It offers 2 deployment environments. They include:

Production Environment:

It’s used to keep the live application. Moreover, it can be distinguished from a staging environment that has an URL that is DNS friendly (servicename.cloudapp.net).

Staging Environment:

This offers a platform for validating changes to the application before it’s made life to production environment.

At this stage, application can be recognized using Globally Unique-Identifier (GUID) in the form of a URL which is GUID.cloudapp.net.

What is Azure DevOps?

This SaaS platform offers development services for making work plans, deploying them, developing applications, and operating together on code. This provides an end-to-end DevOps toolchain for the development & deployment of software. Moreover, it’s able to incorporate several known tools in the market & it’s a suitable way for setting up a DevOps toolchain.

What’s Azure SQL Data Warehouse?

 Azure Interview Questions: This is the large storage of data that are collected from a variety of sources from a company & it’s used to control management decisions. Furthermore, data warehouse enables collecting information from various databases on distributed systems or located remotely. It’s built by the combination of the data from more sources which is used for decision making, analytical reporting etc.

Moreover, SQL Data-Warehouse is a cloud-based Enterprise app that enables systems to operate under parallel processing. This allows one to fast analyze a complex query from a large volume of information. It’s also a way out for the Big-Data concepts.

How can one create a Virtual Machine in Powershell?

5. How can one create a Virtual Machine in Powershell

What is Azure Table Storage?

This is a popular service that’s used across several projects, which assists in storing structured NoSQL information in the cloud. This provides a Key/attribute store that has a schemaless architecture design. The major advantage of using Azure table storage is it’s cost-effective and fast for several kinds of applications. The other advantage is with table storage; one can keep flexible datasets similar to user data for a website application. Also, one can store device information or metadata which the service needs.

Moreover, one can also store any kind of number in the table. The storage account can contain every number of tables to the capacity limit.

With Azure Table storage, one can store a large amount of structured data. NoSQL datastore accepts authentic calls from outside and inside the Azure cloud.

How can you retrieve the state of a particular VM?

7. How can you retrieve the state of a particular VM?

What are instance types provided by Azure?

Azure Interview Questions: Azure provides a number of various instance kinds depending on what requirement they fulfil. They include:

  1. General Purpose: The memory to CPU ratio should be balanced. This offers low – medium traffic web servers and small-medium databases. Moreover, it’s also suitable for testing & development.
  2. Compute Optimized: This features memory to high CPU ratio. It’s best suited for medium traffic web servers, batch processes, application servers & network appliances.
  3. Memory-Optimized: This involves a CPU to high memory ratio. It’s suitable for a relational database server, medium-large caches and in-memory analytics.
  4. Storage Optimized: This offers high disk IO & throughput. It’s suitable for Big Data, SQL Databases and NoSQL.
  5. GPU: This is a virtual machine that is specific to heavy graphic rendering & video editing. GPU also assists with model training & inference with deep-learning
  6. High-Performance Compute: This offers Azure’s powerful and fastest CPU virtual machines, which have an optional high throughput interface.

What’s Azure Batch?

It’s a job scheduling platform that auto-scales up a pool of 10s to 1000s of VMs for it to accomplish scheduled tasks. The pool is scaled-down immediately after the tasks executions are completed.

What are the ways of managing containers in Azure?

There are two approaches to managing containers in Azure. They include

  • Azure Kubernetes Services: It’s an orchestration service that automates & manages huge numbers of containers.
  • Azure Container Instances: It’s a PaaS component that enables one to upload Docker containers to virtual machines, execute them, & autoscale/

Expert Level Azure Interview Questions and Answer

What’s Azure Storage?

This refers to a collection of data services that are offered by Azure. They include:

  • Azure Files – This stores files which can be accessed by Network File System (NFS) protocol or Server Message Block (SMB) protocol.
  • Azure Blobs – Keeps text & binary data.
  • Azure Queues – Keeps messages for messaging between requests.
  • Azure Disks – This is block-level storage for storing Azure VMs.
  • Azure Tables – It’s a NoSQL storage for keeping schemaless data.

How does one connect an on-premises network to Azure Virtual-Network?

There are three ways in which one can connect these two. They include

Azure ExpressRoute: Azure ExpressRoute utilizes a dedicated, private, & high-bandwidth connection that spread on-premises networks to Azure.

Point-to-site VPN. This uses Azure VPN Gateway, which connects from a personal computer that’s located on-premises.

Site-to-site VPN: This uses Azure VPN Gateway, which connects to on-premises network’s devices that have a public IP address.

What are the types of Azure load balancers?

Azure load balancers can either be internal load balancers or external load balancers.

With external load balancers it allows traffic from the internet & shares the load to more virtual machines. Moreover, with internal load balancers, it takes in commands from an internal Azure resource & shares the load to a different Azure internal resource.

Can you design applications that deal with connection failure in Azure?

This is achieved by means of Transient Fault-Handling Block. It can have more causes of transient failures with the cloud environment. Below is a sample code for dealing with connection failure.

connection failure in Azure

What is Availability Set?

This is a logical grouping of VMs which enables Azure to comprehend how the application is made to offer redundancy & availability. It’s suggested that two or more VMs are made within an availability set. This will give you a more available application & that suits 99.95 percent Azure SLA.

How do you create a Network Security Group & Network Security Group Rule?

Network Security Group Rule

What’s Azure Diagnostics?

This is the API that allows one to gather diagnostic information from applications operating in Azure. Azure Diagnostics should be permitted for cloud-service roles for verbose monitoring to be switched on.

What’s a Fault Domain?

Fault domain represents a group of underlying hardware which shares a shared power source & network switch. Each fault domain is made up of some racks & each has a virtual machine. Virtual machines are auto distributed across fault domains in the Azure platform when one creates a virtual machine within an availability set.

What’s Azure Databricks?

This is a Data Analytics platform that offers two environments to make data-intensive applications. Moreover, the data-intensive app can be Azure Databricks Workspace and Azure Databricks-SQL Analytics.

What is a command task in Microsoft Azure?

This operational window sets off the flow of either one or several common as the system runs.


Azure Interview Questions: When it comes to a cloud computing career, you need to show your experience, knowledge, and interview skills to stand out among the other competitors. You can earn a certification that will boost your experience and knowledge.

With the Azure interview Question and answer given, you will be more certain on what to encounter, which will boost your confidence.



Terry White is a professional technical writer, WordPress developer, Web Designer, Software Engineer, and Blogger. He strives for pixel-perfect design, clean robust code, and a user-friendly interface. If you have a project in mind and like his work, feel free to contact him

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