What does FTP stand for?: FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol and it’s a network protocol that’s used for transmitting files between different computers over an Internet Protocol (IP) or a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection. At TCP/IP suite, FTP is regarded as an application-layer protocol. FTP is also used for downloading files to the computer from various servers.

At the FTP network, the end user’s PC is typically referred to as localhost. The other PC involved at FTP referred to a remote host, and it’s normally a server. All computers require be connecting through a network & configuring well for file transfer through FTP. A server needs to be set up to operate FTP services, & the client needs to have FTP software connected to access the services.

However, numerous file transfers can be carried out using HTTP(Hypertext Transfer Protocol) which is a different protocol in the TCP/IP suite. File Transfer Protocol is still frequently used to transfer files for other applications, like banking services. It’s also used to download new applications through web browsers.

What does FTP stand for? How FTP works?

FTP refers to a client-server protocol that depends on 2 communications channels that’s in between the server and client: A command channel for regulating the conversation & a data channel for conveying file content.

Here’s how a normal FTP transfer operates:

  • A client is typically required to log on to an FTP server, though other servers make some or every content available minus a login, a model understood as unspecified FTP.
  • The client initiates a conversation with the server when the user needs a file download.
  • Utilizing FTP, a client uploads, move, delete, download, rename, copy files at a server.
  • FTP sessions operate in passive or active modes

Passive mode

The server utilizes a command channel to send client information it requires to open the data channel. The reason being passive mode has the client initiating every connection, it operates well across firewalls & network address translation gateways.

Active mode

After the client initiates a session via a command channel, the server makes a data connection back to the client & initiates moving data.

Clients can operate with FTP through a command-line interface from a terminal or console window in Apple macOS, Microsoft Windows, or Linux or with a devoted graphical user interface. Web browsers also serve like FTP clients.

Importance of FTP

  • Replication. Same to backup, replication comprises of duplication of information from a system to another though takes a comprehensive approach to offer higher availability & resilience. FTP also is utilized to ease this.
  • Backup. FTP is used through individual users or backup services to backup information from a location to a safe backup server operating FTP services.
  • Data loading & access. FTP is utilized to have access to shared web hosting plus cloud services.
  • Speed. Among the biggest benefit of FTP is speed. FTP is among the fastest way of transferring files from a single computer to a different computer.

Drawbacks of FTP:

  • FTP serves 2 operations which include sending & receiving big files on a network. The size limit of files that can be sent is 2GB. FTP doesn’t enable one to run concurrent transfers to numerous receivers.
  • The standard requirement of the industry is all FTP transmissions need to be encrypted. But, not all FTP providers are the same, and not all providers provide encryption.
  • Passwords & file contents are sent in clear text which allows undesirable eavesdropping. Thus, attackers can carry out brute force attacks by trying to predict FTP passwords.
  • It’s not compatible with more systems.

FTP types

  • FTP Plain

This refers to standard FTP minus encryption. This FTP utilizes port 21, & it’s supported by a majority of web-browsers.

  • FTPS

This refers to the FTP secure-sockets layer or FTP Secure the reason being this type of FTP server utilizes SSL encryption. It’s slightly dissimilar compared to traditional FTP. The major difference is security which comes with FTPS and was the first kind of encrypted FTP-invented.


“E” at FTPES refers to “explicit,” making an acronym stand File Transfer Protocol at explicit transport layer security SSL. This kind of FTP starts like normal FTP, utilizing port 21, though then special commands upgrade it TLS/SSL-encrypted transfer. The reason being it tends to operate well with firewalls. Others prefer using FTPES instead of FTPS.



Which is a fact related to FTP?

The protocol allowed users to send or receive files before computers had graphical interfaces.

Why FTP is bad?

FTP Lacks Security

FTP is inherently an non-secure way to transfer data. When a file is sent using this protocol, the data, username, and password are all shared in plain text, which means a hacker can access this information with little to no effort.

Why is FTP important?

FTP enables the transfer of files back and forth between computers or through the cloud.

What port uses FTP?

port 21

Can FTP corrupt files?

Sometimes an issue can occur with files becoming corrupt when uploading through FTP. When viewing the corrupted file through the browser, the following error will be thrown. This is caused by uploading files through FTP as ASCII file transfer type.


Terry White is a professional technical writer, WordPress developer, Web Designer, Software Engineer, and Blogger. He strives for pixel-perfect design, clean robust code, and a user-friendly interface. If you have a project in mind and like his work, feel free to contact him

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