With great power comes great responsibility”-the popular Spider-Man proverb rightly said so. The role of a policeman fits ideal with this saying. The journey towards gaining the position of this respectable job role not only requires intelligence but a unique set of reasoning and mindset. Interviewing for the post of a police officer requires preparation to faces the question with confidence and the least amount of hesitation.

To help and guide you better to get selected, bringing to you some of the most commonly asked questions, along with answers in a law-enforced interview.

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Why do you want to be a police officer?

One of the frequently asked questions that you can face in an interview for the post of a police officer is why you want to be in that role. Remember that the interviewer is keener to learn about your journey, so avoid beating things around the bush. Frame your answer in such a way that it reflects your confidence and narrates the journey that leads and inspired you to become a police officer.

Tell us about yourself

The first thing is to not directly jump into your work history and say things like “I did my graduation/post-graduation in Chemistry”, try to incorporate your strengths when you answer this question and honestly answer how capable you can be; if you can site examples on the same it would be even better. Focus on things that throw a positive light on your personality.

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Why are you leaving your current job?

When you reason out things to answer them, always focus on the positive aspects. Mouthing incidents or say disappointment on the previous job profile will lower your chances of getting selected drastically. You can put forward why leaving your current job has been challenging. This question will evaluate your personality, therefore highlighting negative things from your past will only throw a bad impression. Stay positive and focus on things that you got to learn from your current job.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

Always maintain decorum while answering the questions. Don’t try and drag things, adding humor or punch lines is a big no! Also, don’t directly narrate your retirement plans. Build an answer that illustrates your will to do better in the coming years. Put forward your commitment goals and ways you can contribute as well as benefit the people around you.

What is your biggest failure and what did you learn from it?

Merge your failures with your set of learnings, in other words, try to incorporate both failures and ways such failures helped you to become the person you are today. Do not bluntly add events that left you disappointed or disheartened. Never say that “I regret this or that thing” doing so will lead your answer in a different direction which can give you a very low score in the interview.

What Qualities Make a good Police Officer?

Qualities Make a good Police Officer

Start with acknowledging and stating the glorious history of the job role and ways police officers contributed to society. Emphasize what motivated you to work towards becoming a police officer. If you have a personal story to it, say it in a simple and short way. In the list of qualities, mention- integrity, love for the service, ability to learn new skills, no-compromise in learning, helping and compassionate attitude, good communication skills, alertness, cooperation, physical and mental fitness, and zero-compromise on work attitude.

How would you handle an officer committing a crime?

-The prime motive of this question is to understand the psyche of the person interviewing for the position. All you need to reflect on how important and unique the role of a police officer is, where the sense of morality surpasses everything. Draw focus on the fact that the right thing must be done irrespective of the position a person is, whether he/she is an officer, a crime is always a crime.

How long does someone have to report a crime?

There should be no delay to report a crime scene. The minute it is known report it immediately without any sense of fear. Of course, on some grounds, there are limitations under the eyes of the law, brief about them as well while saying your answer.

How do the police help the community?

police help the community

Respond with confidence, sensible and positive attitude. Don’t try to overpower things by elaborating unnecessarily. Keep your answers short and crisp so that it doesn’t overlap your main points. Bring together the responsibilities of a police officer and how it helps a community to grow as a unit. Also, mention how a police officer maintains safety measures, patrolling, ensuring that the people are least troubled and no lives are lost.

What motivates you?

The ideal question where you can generate a massive impression if you deliver it right. Avoid giving a generic and blunt answer which allows the interviewer to learn very little about your character. Utilize the opportunity and state about the challenges that you overcame, the one tough course that you eventually score well or the job role that pushed your boundaries, and later you got to learn things that you would not have taken up otherwise.

Why do you think you’re the best candidate for the job?

-You would face this question in not just a police officer job role but every big or small-scale venture put forward this question to understand and learn about the candidate. It helps to instantly pick whether the person appearing for the interview is confident enough or too arrogant

What does a police officer do on a daily basis?

As the role of a police officer is not the easiest of all, try your best to highlight the various challenges that one faces while doing the job. Firstly, mention that ensuring public safety is the utmost important thing along with responses to emergencies. At times patrolling doesn’t take place on wheels, rather the officers have to continue inspection on foot. Present the other aspect like the study of the complaints and emergency information listed, identification of crimes and arrests, figuring and recording facts, enforcing laws related to vehicles, determining statute violations, etc. Don’t take too long to answer but at the same time don’t omit the crucial things that a police officer does on a daily basis.

What do police officers say when arresting someone?

Police Interview Questions and Answers: There is no written rule that a police officer needs to say something while arresting a person. The police officer can choose to remain silent and proceed with the arrest. It is mostly advised to remain silent as in cases the word spoken by a police officer might go against in the court of law. You can state that the officer has the liberty to suggest or inform the arrested person that he/she can consult a lawyer who will be available in the questing round.

What challenges are you looking for in this position?


One of the popularly asked questions in a police interview, according to researches this question has been asked to every third candidate. The types of challenges that may be commonly faced are the chances of bribe, threat calls, intimidation; don’t forget to say clearly how prestigious and honorable it is to be a police officer. All such shortcomings seem to take a back seat when overcome with determination, making you a proud police officer.

Would you follow an order by a superior if you know it is against the regulations?

No, if the order placed by the superior is against the regulations or violates the law,

I, as a police officer, should not in any scenario abide by such an order. As a law enforcement officer, such a thing must also be reported to a superior officer or lodge a complaint as per the seriousness of the crime involved.

When were you most satisfied with your job?

Seize the opportunity to give the best answer to this question and share your interest, express your zest to achieve and do things better and prove your points in ways you can contribute to the police department. Always express your motive and how socially you can drive people for a better cause. We can start with by saying, “I can handle situations in the most critical conditions and give my best comfort to people in need which is extremely satisfactory, I love being a people’s person

Explain the various levels that a police officer must keep in mind while interacting with a criminal?

 police officer must keep in mind while interacting with a criminal

-Start your answer by highlighting the best practices a police officer needs to abide by while interacting with a criminal. Be confident in your answer and mention the points such as informing the criminal of the crime they have been charged with, explaining the criminal thing on an adequate note and avoid causing violence at all cost. The presence of a lawyer is very important in such conversations and also states that the criminal should be made aware of their constitutional rights. All these things must be drawn in the answer.

Make sure that you are polite while answering all such questions and give a good impression throughout. Reflect on things that can enhance your personality and incorporate them into the answers. In this way, your interview process won’t have awkward pauses and you will have higher chances to score better.

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Police Officer Interview Tips

Police Officer Interview Tips

If you have ever developed the will to uphold the law and protect the innocents, then being a police officer seems to be a good choice. However, becoming a police officer isn’t that easy; you will have to undergo the most challenging tests. But when you have dedicated your life already to become police, nothing should come in your way.

How the human brain processes information and reacts to unexpected questions is pretty tricky, but you can learn your weakness, work on it and improve on it. Only then can you pass the most challenging police interview questions? When you are prepared, you have a better chance of overwhelming the interview panel. So. Let’s look at the best police officer interview tips.

Be an honest person

To many people, lying seems to be the only solution when faced with a tricky question. However, to lie when you are in a police officer interview session means you can’t be entrusted to uphold the law and protect the public.  Remember, the interviewers have all the information about you, including the background check and even polygraph test, which help them know what you are lying or telling the truth.

The only thing you can do is, to be honest, and provide correct answers without hiding anything. Whenever you are in a police interview, you should hide a crime because if they discover you are hiding something, even if it’s minor, the chances are high that you may land in jail. Lastly, always be honest in every answer you provide.

Let the interviews know you are a disciplined citizen

What do you admire most about being a police officer? Is it the monthly salary you’ll be receiving or something more compelling? Being a police officer calls for dedication and hard work, and they are the essential qualities of a good police officer. So, from the time you get into the interview room, how should you be dedicated, disciplined, and hardworking? It’s all being with your general appearance. Find a suitable attire that’s clean and properly ironed.

Also, ensure you are dressed formally. It’s a clear picture that you value and respect the interview panel. If the interview is set to take place at 8 am, avail yourself 30 minutes before that specified time. When you are early, presentable, you’ll have the audacity and morale to answer Police Interview Questions and Answers.

Be calm and composed

Whether it’s your first time attending a job interview or you’ve done it before, one thing you should keep in mind is that being calm and composed can add some points. Many interviewers typically aim to make their interviewees squirm. When you pass the interview, you’ll soon become a state cop, and you’ll be having your gun almost all the time.

But the interviewers want to know how you can react when you are pressured. So, listen carefully to what they have to ask and never become nervous, provide an answer after carefully internalizing the questions. If you give the wrong answer, don’t let it take away your morale. Instead, focus on how to correct it rather than regretting your bad choices or answers.

Know Police Interview Questions and possible answers

There is nothing more frustrating than not knowing an answer to common police officer interview questions. Remember, how you answer this question is the tool that will be used to judge you by the end of the interview. Therefore, we suggest that before attending a police officer interview, you should know the commonly asked question and answer them correctly.

With the above-mentioned police officer interview tips, you can easily pass the interview and become the best cop. However, never be demoralized when you fail. Instead, identify the key sectors that resulted in your failure and work on them so you can do well next time.

Top 10 Police Oral Board Questions

Police Oral Board Questions

Becoming a police officer is one of the most outstanding achievements, especially to those willing to serve the community. Furthermore, getting a police officer job is very straightforward, except that you must undergo a series of steps before you are hired. Many people during the recruitment process seem to fear the background check or written test.

Well, those are but a few, but remember, you must undergo a police oral board interview before you get employed. We don’t think passing police oral board interviews would be a tricky thing, especially if you are fully informed.

What is a police board interview?

Oral board interview serves a critical role in the hiring process, especially for the police agencies. Candidates will need to pass and score highly to enable them to continue with the hiring process. Expect a panel of 3-5 members, but this may differ with the agency size.

You’ll meet Lieutenants /sergeants, field training/ patrol officers, city council/community representative, and or human resource representative during the interview. When you approach this team, understand that they are neither your friends nor your enemies. They are more determined to fulfill their obligation and hire the best police officers.

Note: the interview takes 20-40 minutes and may last longer at times. Every answer you give correctly represents a score, but the whole questions are out of 100. However, the passing score is often set to 70, so score more and stand a chance to become a police officer.

Types of oral board interview questions

There are two significant types of police officer oral board interview questions; scenario-based questions and personality-related questions. All the questions are carefully selected to analyze the potential, ability, dedication, experience, values, preferences, and how the candidate thinks.

By the end of the interview, the pane wants to be sure that you can be honest and open. Also, the question helps them understand your ability to make quick and reliable decisions and how you react to uncomfortable situations or conditions.

Personality-related questions

This is the section where you’ll be asked questions reacting to your attitude, opinions, values, reasons for becoming a police officer, and about yourself. So, it’s ideal to present yourself to let your strength, ability, and skills come out clearly.

Secondly, you’ll receive questions relating to your past working experiences. At this point, be ready to answer questions relating to your studies, volunteer work you’ve done, or past employment experience.

The last section under personality-related questions will involve moral questions. These questions aim at examining your critical thinking, values, and attitude.

Top 10 Best Police Oral Board Questions

  1. Tell us about yourself: Present a summary of your career achievements, studies, strengths, preferences, and your reason to join police service.
  2. What makes you think you’ll make a good law enforcement officer? Convince the panel that you want to be a good police officer.
  3. What steps have you taken to prepare you for this career? This question aims to know if you are for a law enforcement job. So, tell them about your degree in a law-related field or community-based services you’ve accomplished.
  4. What are your strengths and weaknesses? To talk about your strength will be more encouraging but get ready to answer questions about your weakness. Be honest in your answers but ensure the response given adds you more credit.
  5. Would you give your brother a speeding ticket?
  6. Would you obey orders from your superiors even if it’s against the law?
  7. Would you cover a minor crime if it was performed by your relative?
  8. Why did you choose the police agency?
  9. Would you arrest your fellow police if they commit a crime?
  10. What do you know about a police job?

Top 10 Best Police Interview Scenario Questions

For you to become a police officer, you have to undergo a rigorous hiring process. The process takes up to months before it’s completed, and you need to pass the interviews to process the other hiring process. Nevertheless, you need to be familiar with some of the ordinary police interview scenario questions.

The hiring process is divided into two parts that are; the personal question and the scenario question. In this article, we will focus on the scenario part.  It would help if you were open-minded and honest while tackling this section. The main aim of these questions is to determine how you’ll handle real-life situations. Below are the Top 5 Police interview scenario questions

1. Judgment scenario questions

Judgment scenario questions test your ability to make wise choices at the workplace.  For instance, you and your partner are mandated to take a prisoner to jail and come across a fatal accident and many people with catastrophic injuries; some are dead. What will you do?

Many respondents try to save the injured and forget that they have a criminal who might course more accidents. Maybe, it might be an ambush to save the criminal.  Perform your duty first but remember to inform the emergency response team with detailed information about the accident.

2. Supervision scenario questions

These categories of Police interview scenario questions analyze if you can cooperate with your supervisor professionally. It will clearly show your reactions in case there are conflicts between you and the supervisor. Let’s look at this example, your supervisor assigned tasks to all your workmates except you during the first round.

He gives fewer tasks to a colleague who has been posted on the previous set on the second round, yet he has not assigned you with any. What will be your reaction? Don’t act awkwardly; instead, seek clarification from your supervisor why you haven’t been given a task. If not satisfied, seek help from superiors.

3. Interaction with co-worker’s scenario questions

In this type of question, try to see how you can relate to your co-workers. Below is an example of such scenarios. In a certain month, there were few police officers, and the duty must be done. Therefore, you need to subdivide the work amongst yourselves.

In the process, one of the officers refuses to cooperate. What do you do? You need to talk to the officer and find out why they aren’t willing to cooperate. If that approach doesn’t work, you can report them to the supervisor.

4. Use of force scenario questions

This type of scenario question tries to dig deep to see if you are familiar with the force used while dealing with your weapon while performing your duties. For example, think of a situation where you are driving alone for an emergency, but on the way, you spot a criminal grabbing a purse from an innocent civilian. What will you do?

In such a case, you need to get out of the car, identify yourself, order the man to return the purse. In case he doesn’t obey your command, you need to stop him without using your gun unless he has one.

5. Integrity scenario questions

Police Interview Questions and Answers: On this kind of question, try to narrow down to your level of honesty and that you are morally upright. These are part of the principle needed for one to be police. For instance, if you are sent to a store to investigate the originality of the items. During your visit, the store owner decided to give you a voucher.

As a police officer, what are you supposed to do? In such a case, you need to be focused and remember what took you there. Don’t take the gift, and the owner might be bribing you or setting a trap for you. Decline his offer but remain focused.

Most Frequently Asked Police Officer Interview Questions

The law enforcement agency is hiring a new police officer, and you think it’s an excellent time to try your luck, well you are not different from others, and there is a high chance that you can be employed; Have you ever asked yourself why some people lose fantastic job opportunities at the interview stage? Well, here is the trick; there are technical Police Interview Questions and Answers that you can answer incorrectly.

So, every time you give a wrong answer, your chances of becoming a cop reduces. Let’s assume you knew all the questions before the interview session; would you have panicked? Being informed means being confident, and when you are optimistic, you’ll be composed and able to think clearly and provide correct answers. If you are approaching a police officer interview panel soon, below are the most frequently asked Police Interview Questions and Answers that will change your life for good.

Tell me about yourself

This is a general and common question in police interviews, therefore, and you should know how to answer it effectively. When asked about yourself, be as brief as possible and mention only information that matters. For instance, you should mention your qualifications, interest, and capabilities, and all that you think makes you the best police officer. As we said, summarize everything and don’t be too much. Other question that may pop-up includes;

  • Walk me through your resume
  • How would you describe yourself?
  • Tell me something unique about you that’s not on your CV.

Why police officer job is important to you?

Like in other job interviews, the police officer interviewing panel will also ask you why you are becoming police. Under this section, you should look at the major factors that motivated you to apply for a police officer job. As much as you share your inspiration with your interviewer, think about the answer they need. If you get out of the scope, it will be hard for them to rank you.

How do you handle moral dilemmas?

In case you are hired as a police officer, you are likely to encounter situations that put your integrity and character to the test. It’s therefore essential for the hiring team to know how you can behave when faced with problems that go against everything you believe is. The best way to answer this kind of question is to assure the panel that you’ll always adhere to the law no matter how challenging the situation is. Also, convince your interview (Police Interview Questions and Answers) that you are capable of making virtuous decisions whenever you are on duty.

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

It’s the nature of human beings to be perfect and imperfect at some point. When you want to do well in every field, there are times when you fail. But understanding your strength makes you stronger. When asked about your string and weakness, state some fee but be honest, never mention a weakness that can make you lose that opportunity. In the section on strength, say some of your recent achievements.

Other only asked Police Interview Questions and Answers

  • Why do you want to become a member of the police service?
  • What would you do if you find your brother over speeding?
  • What makes you think you can be a good police officer?
  • When was the last time you acted with integrity?
  • What ethics do you believe are fundamental to protecting society?
  • How will you manage mixtures of night and day shifts?
  • How do you handle a troublesome member of society?
  • Tell me about police service significant priorities.
  • If an older man and a teenage boy are assaulted, would you treat them equally?

Terry White is a professional technical writer, WordPress developer, Web Designer, Software Engineer, and Blogger. He strives for pixel-perfect design, clean robust code, and a user-friendly interface. If you have a project in mind and like his work, feel free to contact him

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