Data is a new oil that has also become a sole currency and a driving force for many businesses. One of the known names in the field of data processing in business settings is Tableau which has the potential to transform data on the table into real-world visualization, eliminating the gap between humans and computers to utilize insight in a meaningful way.

As data-centric businesses are achieving the success mark with each passing day, there is a never-ending demand for skilled Tableau professionals in the market. However, to get into these demanding fields, cracking the interviews is paramount and that is only possible with the right preparation. In this blog post, you will come across the questions (Tableau Interview Questions) that will help you to prepare and crack the Tableau interview in one go.

Top 20+ Best Tableau Interview Questions

Q1. What are the Advantages of Tableau?

  1. Data visualization
  2. Create interactive visualizations
  3. Ease of implementation
  4. Integration of scripting languages

Q2. What are the different Tableau products?

Tableau like other BI tools has a range of products:

  1. Tableau Desktop
  2. Tableau Server
  3. Tableau Reader
  4. Tableau Online
  5. Tableau Public

Q3. What are the different types of joins in Tableau?

Tableau is pretty similar to SQL. Therefore, the types of joins in Tableau are similar:

  • Left Outer Join
  • Right Outer Join
  • Full Outer Join
  • Inner Join

Different types of joins in Tableau

Q4. How do you describe Tableau?

Tableau is one of the leading visualization tools that gained quite a popularity in the Business Intelligence (BI) industry. Tableau is used to simplify the piles of data and transform them into an easy-to-understand format. You can visualize data into bars, heat maps, and any form of a dashboard that can be easily understood by the employees.

Q5. Do you know what types are supported by Tableau?

Tableau can support a range of data types including-

  • Data Values
  • Numerical Values
  • Boolean Values
  • Geographical Values
  • Text Values
  • Time Values

Q6. What are the file size limitations with tableau?

This is a tricky question that you can face in a Tableau job interview. As a professional, you must know that there are no file size or row and column limitations with Tableau.

Q7. How is Tableau different from traditional BI tools?

When you appear in the Tableau interview, you can expect to come across this question as the interviewer also wants to learn what actually drove you toward this change in technology. You can start explaining the difference between traditional BI and tableau in a systematic manner with the help of the below table:

Tableau Traditional BI
Do not have dependencies These have hardware limitations
Based on Associative Search Based on complex technologies
Support the memory even with advanced technologies Doesn’t support in-memory, multi-thread or multi-core computing
Predictive analysis can be used by many businesses Predefined view of data

Q8. Do you know the difference between joining and blending?

Although both of these words may sound similar they are totally different once we get down to the meaning.

  • Joining defines the operation when you combine data derived from the same source.
  • Blending defines the mix of data derived from two different sources

Q9. What are the differences between heat maps and tree maps?

There are two different types of maps in Tableau known as heat map and treemap. While the heat map can be used for defining and comparing categories with colors and size. With a heat map, you can compare two measures together.

Tableau heat map and treemap

Q10. Define measures and dimensions?

In Tableau, measures are the metrics or measurable quantities of data that one can analyze on the dimension table. Measures stored in tables have foreign keys that are uniquely associated with the dimension table. As the table supports the storage at the atomic level, you can insert a number of keys at a time.

Now, the coming dimensions are the descriptive attributes for multiple dimensions where each attribute defines multiple characters. For instance- a dimension table that has the reference of product key can consist of product name, size, color, description, etc.

Q11. Describe groups in Tableau?

In Tableau a group is the combination of dimensions that creates higher-level categories. For example, if you are working with the data that shows the average test scores by major then, you may want to group certain majors together to create the major categories.

Q12. Differentiate live connection from extract?

This is one of the most commonly asked Tableau interview questions. Therefore, you should start by defining the terms.

  • Data extract is the snapshots of the data optimized for aggregation and loaded into the system for quick visualization. For example- in a hospital, the patient data is required to make real-time decisions.
  • A live connection is the real-time update of the data with any changes to the data source reflected in Tableau. For instance- hospitals need to update the patients on weekly or daily changes in the system.

Q13. How do you conduct the performance testing in Tableau?

Testing is again a significant part of implementing Tableau and as a professional, you are expected to be well-versed with it. The process takes place by loading Testing Tableau Server with TabJolt which is actually a “Point and Run” load generator used for QA. Although TabJolt is not actually supported by Tableau, it can be installed through other sources.

 Hopefully, these questions can prepare you to crack the Tableau interview in one go and take over the role you always desired to have. Moreover, if you need more help with the Tableau interview questions then, look no further than HTML KICK- one of the leading interview preparation websites that can help you to achieve your dream job in no time. For more information, visit the website today!


Does Tableau use SQL?

Tableau provides an optimized, live connector to SQL Server so that we can create charts, reports, and dashboards while working directly with our data.

Does Tableau use Python?

To include Python scripts in your flow, you need to configure a connection between Tableau and a TabPy server. 

Which is better R or Tableau?

Tableau is easier to create interactive charts than R

Can I learn Tableau without SQL?

SQL is not needed if you want to learn Tableau.

Is Tableau better than Excel?

Tableau is superior when it comes to visuals and dashboards


Terry White is a professional technical writer, WordPress developer, Web Designer, Software Engineer, and Blogger. He strives for pixel-perfect design, clean robust code, and a user-friendly interface. If you have a project in mind and like his work, feel free to contact him

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